Envigas at Green Steel World Congress & Exhibition in Essen
Envigasparticipated with its own stand at the annual event Green Steel WorldCongress and Exhibition in Essen, Germany, on June 26-27. Lars-GunnarAlmryd, CEO, was one of the speakers at the conference and held a well-attendedpresentation on biochar as a tool for the decarbonization of the steelindustry. The conference part of the event was well attended, probably due tothe many interesting topics covered by the speakers. But the fair itself wasalso well attended and Envigas had many interested visitors to the stand whowanted to learn more about biochar and its use in the steel industry.
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New Chief Technology Officer at Envigas
MSc Serge Blancher has recently joined as CTO for Envigas, based in Bureå. Serge most recently came from a position as Head of Process Engineering and Site Manager at Wipro Infrastructure Engineering in Skellefteå, where Serge has been living for many years after moving from France to Sweden. He has a long and solid experience of consulting and project work in management positions in several different industries, in and outside Sweden. In his previous roles as a management consultant, Serge has, among other things, worked with change processes in projects that include both technology development and finance. Serge has previously also held leading positions in marketing and sales, but also as CEO. One of Serge's important tasks will be to manage our efforts to further develop the production capacity in Bureå but will also be involved in the work with Envigas future factory concept. The whole team wishes Serge a warm welcome to Envigas!

New Chief Technology Officer at Envigas
MSc Serge Blancher has recently joined as CTO for Envigas, based in Bureå. Serge most recently came from a position as Head of Process Engineering and Site Manager at Wipro Infrastructure Engineering in Skellefteå, where Serge has been living for many years after moving from France to Sweden. He has a long and solid experience of consulting and project work in management positions in several different industries, in and outside Sweden. In his previous roles as a management consultant, Serge has, among other things, worked with change processes in projects that include both technology development and finance. Serge has previously also held leading positions in marketing and sales, but also as CEO. One of Serge's important tasks will be to manage our efforts to further develop the production capacity in Bureå but will also be involved in the work with Envigas future factory concept. The whole team wishes Serge a warm welcome to Envigas!